venerdì 8 maggio 2020


#Stayhome - IoRestoaCasa

In these days there’s a lot going on for everyone, and we are all stuck at home! 🏡

Schools are closed due to the Covid-19 pandemic, but we all have everyday stories to tell about how our life is changing. 

So we launched a project to start sharing stories and tips about what you can do when you’re stuck inside.

(di seguito.. alcuni video realizzati dai ragazzi dove spiegano simpaticamente come trascorrono le loro giornate all'interno delle loro abitazioni)

Lorenzo - My 20 second hand washing song.

Andrea - This is my new challenge! Make it go viral!


Denisa - Top 5 things to do during quarantine.


(si ringrazia la Prof.ssa AnnaMaria Biagini)